The journey I have been on with counselling has truly been life changing. I started in a dark place, constantly feeling anxious and depressed, but now I am so much happier and more in touch with my emotions. Although I still deal with occasional anxiety, I have learned techniques in counselling that help me calm myself down and think more clearly. My therapist, Jannine, has been absolutely incredible. She is so calming, supportive, and understanding. She has a talent for explaining why I feel the way I do and helps me work through my problems. I am genuinely grateful for this experience and for her support.
Alicia, Bridgend.
Jannine has been incredibly supportive throughout my time speaking to her. She has helped me open up about a number of issues that I had never felt able to, or comfortable to, with anyone else. I have been able to acknowledge issues and start to put things in place to help myself try to overcome them. I can honestly say it has all been through her guidance. Without her I would not have got to where I am now. I feel very lucky to have had Jannine helping me, she has always been so supportive and kind. It has been very easy opening up to her. This has massively helped me to get myself in a better place mentally, and as I said previously it has helped me to open up about things I would never have dreamt of telling my family before. Now my family are able to support me. I have enjoyed each session no matter how emotional they can be, as I’ve been able to be just me, and not feel judged. I realise now the benefit of being able to talk openly.
Gemma, 40.
During what was quite possibly the most difficult period of my life in recent times, I was referred to Jannine for integrative counselling. During this time with Jannine, she aided me by being able to both challenge and reassure me about my worries to give me the strength to improve my life and alter my cognitions. She provided me with materials to peruse over to broaden my perspective and to ease the burden with which I was suffering. The words that we have exchanged had and have motivated me to change for the better and I am eternally grateful for her services provided henceforth. Jannine has maintained absolute confidentiality regarding the matters we have discussed in our sessions. At no point during our time together did I feel compelled into doing something or saying anything uncomfortable, due to her cadence and her skills at accommodating my needs. Jannine is welcoming and kind and I would recommend her to anyone seeking guidance for matters regarding mental health and has my utmost approval as a counsellor and a psychotherapist.
Louis, 21.
I have been fortunate enough to benefit from the help and support of Jannine via mental health and well-being services, following a significant period of stress, burn out, grief, and depression brought on as a direct result of pressure at work. My GP suggested seeking help from counselling services to aid my recovery in addition to prescribed medication which, at the time was having little or no effect. My first session with her in retrospect was quite thought provoking, all conversations held were done in an extremely gentile way, encouraging me to discuss all things which were contributing to my poor state of mind at that time, with me being totally oblivious to how bad things had become. Even more surprisingly, was my willingness and openness to voice these, something I had never done before, not even to my GP, friends or loved ones. She has the ability to educate me in a way that I now re-evaluate my approach to different situations on a day-to-day basis. The recovery is definitely going in the right direction, but am aware that this is in its infancy, so have a lot more work to do in the coming weeks and months. There have been some very dark times admittedly, but it was her persistent application of reaffirming statements reminding me that deep down, despite all the chaos in my head, I was in control of my actions. In reality it has given me the opportunity to write this today.
Mandy, 54.